Extra Support for Learning English as an Additional Language

Extra Support for Learning English as an Additional LanguageAre you looking for extra support for learning English as an additional language?Are you looking for extra support for learning English as an additional language? We’ve got you covered! Living in a globalized world, many students have a rich and diverse language profile. Our after school English program caters for students of …

Are You More Than Your Grades?

Are You More Than Your GradesAt Zoe International School, everyone has a chance to shine.You are so much more than your grades! At Zoe International School we know that academic grades are important. But they don’t always tell the whole story of students’ learning. That’s why we focus on developing the whole child. We celebrate with students as they grow …

Our STEM Curriculum

Our STEM CurriculumStudents of today; leaders of tomorrow.Did you know that after most students graduate, they will likely have a job that doesn’t yet exist, using technology that hasn’t even yet been invented? AI specialists, cloud engineers, cybersecurity specialists, solar technology developer… These are just some rapidly growing careers. Our world is changing fast. And for students to succeed in …

Does Online Learning Work?

Does Online Education Work?Our online campus for students in grades 3-12 is launching in April!There has been a huge shift to online learning recently. Research suggests that in addition to actually enhancing learning, online students also develop these 👇 Independence ✔️ Self-management skills ✔️ IT skills ✔️ Perseverance ✔️ Strong work ethic ✔️ These are also considered to be some …

ABCD Daily Schedule

ABCD Daily SheduleWhat does a typical day look like for our students? We have 4 sessions in each day: A, B, C, and D! A: “All-In” – Warm-up for the day with your classmates and teachers. Some encouragement from the Bible and time to set your goals for the day! B: “Build” – Build on what you know, focussing on …

Design Thinking

Design ThinkingDesign Thinking is all about creating solutions to real-life problems. All great innovators use Design Thinking – in the arts, engineering, business, science… in every field! Our unique curriculum is based on Design Thinking so students can apply their learning to real-life situations, and be equipped with skills that will give them an edge in the future. Empathize with …

Introducing Genius Hour

Introducing Genius HourGenius Hour is part of our weekly schedule. It’s just one way for our students to become curious, motivated, and creative learners. Choose something you love, research, plan, record your progress, and present your project with others. What would you do? Design an app? Learn a language? Knit a scarf? Learn to play chess? Make a model of …

Why Choose an International School?

Should we go with an international Education or Japanese education?
One question we hear often at Zoe International School is “what are the benefits of an international school?”.
As the cost is more than a local school, this is an important question!