Personal Finances
Blog, OptionalPersonal Finances As part of their personal responsibility learning this month, grade 3 students created piggy banks using recycled materials. They were incredibly creative, coming up with unique designs and clever uses for the...
Jiujitsu & Karate
Blog, OptionalJiujitsu & Karate Did you know that singing and playing music gives the brain a multisensory “workout” that can strengthen memory, help us pay attention, and even improve reading ability? Middle & high schoolers have been enjoying stre...
Music & Singing
Blog, OptionalMusic & Singing Did you know that singing and playing music gives the brain a multisensory “workout” that can strengthen memory, help us pay attention, and even improve reading ability? Middle & high schoolers have been enjoying stretc...
CyberFirst Competition
Blog, OptionalCyberFirst Competition Congratulations to Yiyi in G8, for ranking first nationwide in individual scoring in this year’s CyberFirst Competition! This marks our second year participating in the CyberFirst Competition as part of STEAM, an...
Christmas Show 2024
Blog, OptionalChristmas Show 2024 We've had the best time celebrating with students and families at our annual Christmas show. A big thank you to the PTA for hosting a Christmas market to raise money for emergency measures. Enjoy the...
Last Week of Term 2
Blog, OptionalLast Week of Term 2It’s the last week of Term 2 and students are having a blast! G1 is continuing their study of seed growth and found that the roots are longer than the stem at the beginning of the plant life cycle. They hypothesised t...
College Prep
Blog, OptionalCollege PrepAs we wrap up for the year, students have been keeping busy.From PE basketball to college prep sessions, studetns are keeping a balance of academic, physical and emotional health.We are thankful for great teachers to guide us!...
Sports Day 2024
Blog, OptionalSports Day 2024We had the best time at our annual Sports Day using the beautiful grounds of the Yokohama Country & Athletic Club @ycac1868 As well as competing in traditional track & field events, students also had the opportunity to sho...
Google Japan Visit
Blog, OptionalGoogle Japan Visit Our ZOE highschool students had a wonderful time @googlejapan headquarters and also participated in the CyberFirst and Careers workshop organized by members of our PTA. There was also a mini capture the flag (CTF) ev...
Student Entrepreneurship
Blog, OptionalStudent Entrepreneurship Last week grade 1 continued the opening of their class stores as part of our entrepreneurship focus.All students were very excited to setup up, organize and sell their products across the school.Thank you parents...
Fall Festival 2024
Blog, OptionalFall Festival 2024 Students and families enjoyed our annual "Mikan Gathering" picnic! We love having school in the middle of Yokohama and enjoying all the amazing seasons in Japan. Students enjoyed delicious mikan oranges as well as ...
Mikan Gathering 2024
Blog, OptionalMikan Gathering 2024 Students and families enjoyed our annual "Mikan Gathering" picnic! We love having school in the middle of Yokohama and enjoying all the amazing seasons in Japan. Students enjoyed delicious mikan oranges as well a...
Fall Break
Blog, OptionalFall Break We hope everyone is enjoying their fall break "silver week"! We can't wait to see you back at school next week refreshed and ready to finish the year strong!...
Hamagin Space Center Yokohama
Blog, OptionalHamagin Space Center Yokohama Recently G1 enjoyed their field trip to the Hamagin Space Center in Yokohama.The day was filled with nonstop walking, exploring, and learning for everyone.At the end of the day, the children shared their fav...
A Fun Week!
Blog, OptionalA Fun Week! From assessments to swimming to field trips at the cup noodle museum to class presentations - students have had a productive (and fun) week!...
Fluency Week & Country Presentations
Blog, OptionalFluency Week & Country Presentations This week some of lower elementary started their "Fluency Campaign" where students are assessed as they read practice passages aloud for one minute and then record their progress. At the end of the ...
A Busy & Fun Week
Blog, OptionalA Busy & Fun Week Students have had a busy and fun week so far! We have been making the most of summer heat at the pool for PE (and sometimes enjoying the rain!) - thank you @ycac1868 for your partnership! Also this week as part of o...
New Families
Blog, OptionalNew Families This week has been wonderfully peaceful as student settle back into school life! It was heartwarming to see how happy they were to see each other and how eagerly they talked about their summer experiences. ...
Back to school
Blog, OptionalBack to school Back to school with a bang Students have had a great 1st week with swimming for PE as well as seeing all their friends again Welcome to all the new students joining us from Term 2, we know you're going to love Zoe! ...
A New Hobby?
Blog, OptionalA New Hobby?We hope you are enjoying your summer vacation. If you're interested in starting a new craft - enjoy these tips by one of our middle school students as highlighted in their newsletter. We can't wait to see everyone back in a...
Middle School Highlights
Blog, OptionalMiddle School Highlights We are continuing to highlight some of our middle school student's magazine articles this week - enjoy some "study tips" by Sophia.At Zoe we realize that not every student is created the same and has unique gifts...
G1 Term 1 Wrap Up
Blog, OptionalG1 Term 1 Wrap Up And so, a beautiful Term 1 for Grade 1 has ended! I felt great joy seeing my students hugging each other, expressing how much they would miss their friends. Fourteen weeks ago, they were little strangers starting their ...
Swimming Partner YCAC
Blog, OptionalSwimming Partner YCAC We are so excited to be partnering with the Yokohama Country & Athletic Club (YC&AC) @ycac1868 in Yamate for our swimming season.Established in 1868, the YC&AC is Japan’s oldest sports...
Earthquake Training Drill
Blog, OptionalEarthquake Training Drill Some of our secondary students studied and presented our "Earthquake Safety Policy" to elementary students this week."Something once taught is something twice learned" and we love to see students sharing what...
Trip to Nogeyma Zoo Yokohama
Blog, OptionalTrip to Nogeyma Zoo Yokohama Lower elementary students had the best mini-trip to Nogeyama zoo this week. Thank you to parents for joining us on our outdoor adventure yesterday, your presence made it a special family event for all of us. ...
Public Communication
Blog, OptionalPublic Communication Middle & highschool students have enjoyed adding their creativity to our focus on literacy during book week recently!In the future good communication will be even more valuable and we love seeing students...
Student PE
Blog, OptionalStudent PE Students have been honing their athletic & soccer skills for PE this term. As the weather gets hotter we are looking forward to starting swimming soon!...
Grade 1 Book Week
Blog, OptionalGrade 1 Book WeekThis week has been a wonderful experience for our first graders with parents heartfelt support for Book Week!G1 has received the “Out of this World” Award!What makes it so special is that parents and students worked toge...
Grade 1 is enjoying term 1
Blog, OptionalGrade 1 is enjoying term 1Term 1 is off to a great start with our 1st graders!Students are beginning to make new friends and pursue common interests.They have also started to take responsibility for classroom tasks.We are very proud of you!...
New Middle & Highschool Facilities
Blog, OptionalNew Middle & Highschool FacilitiesMiddle school & high school students have been enjoying their new classrooms and getting know their new homeroom and specialist teachers!...
Showing “ZOE Full Life”
Blog, OptionalShowing "ZOE Full Life"Our G2 class has really shown the qualities of "ZOE" or "fullness of life" in their 1st week back at school! They are excited to move from being the youngest class ,to now being models to our G1 and new PREP class....
New School Year
Blog, OptionalNew School Year We hope you are as excited as we are about the new school year kicking off on Monday!We can't wait to show you all the facility upgrades and introduce you to new staff & teachers!...
School Camp
Blog, OptionalSchool Camp Highschool students had the best time at their annual school camp - making memories to last a lifetime!...
Field Trips
Blog, OptionalField Trips As we wrap up the end of the school year, students have been enjoying end-of-term field trips and camps. Congratulations, you made it! We look forward to welcoming everyone back with many new faces starting in April! ...
Genius Hour Presentations
Blog, OptionalGenius Hour PresentationsAt Zoe we believe every student is a "genius" in some area - it just may look different to others.Students love showcasing their "Genius Hour" project this week to parents and teachers.From musical instruments, t...
The Moon’s Phases
Blog, OptionalThe Moon's PhasesIn Science G4 students have been studying about “Our Solar System and the Universe”. As part of this study, they have also learned about Earth’s Moon. The project we worked on related to the moon and...
G1 Reading
Blog, OptionalG1 ReadingFor the remaining weeks of Term 3, Grade 1 students have been doing their best to read as fluently as possible before moving on to Grade 2. They have been writing formal and informal letters every morning this week and...
Learning Guitar
Blog, OptionalLearning Guitar Did you wish you learned a musical instrument when you were a child? The gift of music is something you can carry with you your whole life. This term middle & highschool students have started to learn guitar in their mu...
Entrepreneurship Subject
Blog, OptionalEntrepreneurship SubjectStudents are having fun this week preparing their own shop as part of our entrepreneurship subject. They are looking forward to having parents visit and perhaps even purchase some of their creations!...
Applications Open for 2024
Blog, OptionalApplications Open for 2024 Hello Yokohama families - we hope you are having a fantastic start to 2024! We have made more places available in each grade and are currently accepting applications for G1-G12 for the April 2024 academic yea...
Brazilian Jiujitsu at PE
Blog, OptionalBrazilian Jiujitsu at PEStudents & teachers are enjoying kicking off PE in 2024 by learning Brazillian Jiujitsu for self-defense! Although many students have never done anything similar before, they were excited to learn and practice the...
Christmas Play
Blog, OptionalChristmas Play We had the most wonderful week celebrating Christmas with our end of year Christmas play!Well done to all the students and thank you parents for supporting!Merry Christmas!...
Sports Day
Blog, OptionalSports Day Sports day was an epic end to the week! All students had the opportunity to push themselves harder than ever before. Students mentioned feeling strong, nervous, determined and fast this morning, but they have all decided tha...
Sea Bass Tour
Blog, OptionalSea Bass Tour A big thank you to Yokohama City for inviting us on a "Sea Bass" tour and information session about the tour. Students were able to learn and understand some of the rich history of the best and most beautiful city...
Thanksgiving 2023
Blog, OptionalThanksgiving 2023 We had the best time celebrating Thanksgiving at school!Students & parents were able to bring food from their country and of course, we had some delicious desserts!A big thank you to the PTA for your support and...
Tejas Asia Fundraising
Blog, OptionalTejas Asia Fundraising Wow! Students raised a total of ¥108,751 to help support the students at Tejas Asia in New Delhi! Students dress up in the "Colors of India" and bought along a coin donation to be given directly to Tejas Asia. ...
Fall Festival
Blog, OptionalFall Festival Students had a blast at our family-friendly "Fall Festival" this week! They came up with some creative ways to dress up and of course, there was candy for all!...
Deep Thinking
Blog, OptionalDeep Thinking This week our students engaged in a variety of activities including deep thinking, writing, reading, researching, designing, and testing. Each morning we have introduced the habit of journaling for 2-4 minutes to encourage ...
100 Days of School
Blog, Optional100 Days of School It's been a busy week in school! From 100 day celebrations, to science experiments, to swimming at PE - students finish every day tired but excited for tomorrow!...
YCAC Facilities Partnership
Blog, OptionalYCAC Facilities Partnership Thank you to Yokohama Country & Athletic Club (YCAC) for partnering with us for our PE program! We are so excited to be able to offer Zoe students the best possible facilities and also support local...
Candy Store Trip
Blog, OptionalCandy Store Trip G2 students have been working on "The States of Matter" in science so recently they visited the local candy store in Bashamichi. Students saw matter changing its form due to heat applied and investigated whether or no...
Happy Birthday!
Blog, OptionalHappy Birthday Happy Birthday Mr Portillo - you won't find a more caring, competent, and charismatic teacher in Kanagwa!...
Summer Swimming
Blog, OptionalSummer Swimming Swimming has resumed for all grades PE and students are loving learning some new life skills in the warmer weather! Over the next 8 weeks they will be working on water basics, freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke cul...
School is back!
Blog, OptionalSchool is back! Students are back from Summer Vacation this week and are excited to learn!...
Term 2 Starting!
Blog, OptionalTerm 2 Starting! We are looking forward to welcoming back students & parents for Term 2 starting next week!We hope you've had a refreshing summer break and are recharged and refreshed for a great season in school!PS. Come a little...
Summer Staff Retreat
Blog, OptionalSummer Staff Retreat At Zoe we know that our school and students are only as healthy as our staff and teachers. Our recent staff & family summer retreat to cabins at Fuji Lakes was a highlight and a fantastic time to recharge and...
Summer Vacay
Blog, OptionalSummer Vacay We hope you are enjoying the summer vacay as much as we are!...
Ennovation & Entrepreneurship
Blog, OptionalEnnovation & Entrepreneurship As part of teaching around innovation & entrepreneurship, in term 1 to officially open the G1 Love Family Mart. Friends from higher grades were very supportive! On the last day of term, we counted up all the...
Summer Field Trips
Blog, OptionalSummer Field Trips Students had the best time on their well-deserved end-of-term summer field trips! Our school is designed to follow the Japanese school year and seasons, so vacations are planned at the best times for expats to visit...
Over 25 Nationalities!
Blog, OptionalOver 25 Nationalities! Did you know at Zoe we have over 25 nationalities represented across our students and staff? This week G2 invited parents to come and enjoy student presentations about their culture. They did so well, and are...
Our Unique School
Blog, OptionalOur Unique School Right from the start of Zoe we wanted to create a new type of international school for the local and expat community in Yokohama. -A school where all families could feel welcome - even if parents couldn't speak Engli...
G1 “Love Family Mart”
Blog, OptionalG1 "Love Family Mart" G1 students have been working together to create a mini-store that could offer healthy snacks to Zoe students during breaks. They have come up with the name "G1 Love Family Mart" and some ideas of what healthy pro...
Tennis has started!
Blog, OptionalTennis has started! We've started playing tennis for the 2nd half of term 1 for all grades! Students from G1 onwards will start off with the basics, ball skills, and drills before moving to play games against each other. Developing PE...
STEM Projects & Museum Field Trip
Blog, OptionalSTEM Projects & Museum Field Trip Our STEM field trip to the Mitsubishi Industrial Museum was a blast for G5-6! They were excited and curious to explore the museum. We started our next STEM design project by observing plants and...
Nogeyama Zoo Trip
Blog, OptionalNogeyama Zoo Trip Some of our elementary students had an unforgettable experience to see some animals at the Nogeyama Zoo demonstrating their special abilities and ways of communicating with each other. They took on the challenge of a...
PTA Crossing Guard
Blog, OptionalPTA Crossing Guard Thank you to our PTA community for helping keep our kids safe while crossing the road to school! ...
School Photos
Blog, OptionalSchool PhotosStudent photos are always a lot of fun! Good job parents - your kids have never looked so good. We can't wait to share the finished photos with you!...
A Full Week!
Blog, OptionalA Full Week! Elementary students have had a busy week learning, playing, exercising, and celebrating! We know they'll be tired after school on Friday but enjoy the weekend and we can't wait to see you again on Monday. Zoe - living life...
G1 & G2 Soccer
Blog, OptionalG1 & G2 Soccer We are loving this term's beautiful weather and PE classes! G1 & G2 students have begun to apply a range of fundamental movement skills and strategies in soccer for the 1st sport of the year. ...
Learning for Life
Blog, OptionalLearning for Life It's been amazing to see our middle and high schoolers living out our motto "learning for life" - doing well at school and also forming great friendships!...
Soccer Term 1
Blog, OptionalSoccer Term 1 Zoe students are developing their soccer skills in PE for term 1. Future @yokohamaf.marinos or @yokohamafc_official players? We think so!...
1st Week 2023
Blog, Optional1st Week 2023 Congratulations students (& teachers) - you made it to the end of week 1! We hope you enjoyed school as much as we enjoyed teaching you, and we can’t wait to see you Monday!...
Opening 2023
Blog, OptionalOpening 2023 What an amazing building opening and start to the new school year! To all our amazing team and staff, thank you for believing in the vision and staying the course. Zoe students and families - thank you for entrusting your ed...
New Facilities
Blog, OptionalNew Facilities Thanks to everyone who has been working so hard to get our new school building ready for the new year! It’s so special to be part of something from the start and we can’t wait to welcome new students soon. If you want ...
Public Speaking
Blog, OptionalPublic Speaking Jerry Seinfeld joked “According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking - if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy." At Zoe we give opportunities daily for...
Valentines Day
Blog, OptionalValentines Day Primary classes had fun celebrating Valentine's this week! We hope you got some delicious chocolates from your friends!...
Jiujitsu Term 1
Blog, OptionalJiujitsu Term 1 Student are having fun learning self defense and life skills at Brazillian Jiujitsu this term! Big thank you to our partners Yokohama Budokan and professional instructors!...
Christmas Events
Blog, OptionalChristmas Lunch Events We are having the best time exploring local Yokohama events during lunch this Christmas season! ...
Cross Country 2022
Blog, OptionalCross Country 2022 We had the best time at our annual Cross Country at Negishi park! Well done to everyone who ran 1.5km, 3km or 4.5km and those who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd! ...
Google Visit
Blog, OptionalGoogle VisitStudents enjoyed their exclusive tour and learning session at Google headquarters in Tokyo. During our STEM classes at Zoe we love to give opportunities to explore real-world applications of what students are learning....
Genius Hour
Blog, OptionalGenius HourWe love seeing our students find their spark through Genius Hour each week!...
STEM Subjects
Blog, OptionalSTEM - Design ThinkingWe've been practicing Design Thinking in our STEM subjects this term building sugar cube castles!STEM – Design Thinking We’ve been practicing Design Thinking in our STEM subjects this term building...
Communicating Effectively
Blog, OptionalCommunicating EffectivelyBeing able to communicate effectively is perhaps the most important of all life skills. Students at Zoe have time each day to present to their classmates - preparing them for the future!Communicating Effectively ...
Jiujitsu for Self Defense
Blog, OptionalJiujitsu for Self DefenseConfidence, discipline, respect, and self-defense are just some of the things we're learning through Jiu-Jitsu in PE this term!Jiujitsu for Self Defense Confidence, discipline, respect, and self-defense are...
Winter Break Reading
Blog, OptionalWinter Break ReadingWe love snowy days!Winter break and snowy days are a perfect time to dive into some reading. Make some hot chocolate, turn Netflix off, grab a new book and jump into your imagination! Winter Break Reading We love snow...
Ice Skating
Blog, OptionalIce SkatingImagine a school where you can go ice skating at Christmas! Zoe - the school you wished you went to!Ice Skating Imagine a school where you can go ice skating at Christmas! Zoe – the school you wished you went to!...
Enjoying Winter Sports!
Blog, OptionalWinter Fun!We are blessed in Yokohama to have great parks, play areas, and field trip locations all around our school! It might be winter, but we are making the most of the great outdoors!Winter Fun! We are blessed in Yokohama to have gr...
Cross Country
Blog, OptionalCross CountryCongratulations!Congratulations to all of our students who competed in the cross country race today! Great weather and wonderful memories!Cross Country Congratulations! Congratulations to all of our students who competed...
Fall Festival
Blog, OptionalFall FestivalWe had a blast celebrating our Fall Festival a few weeks ago! Complete with costumes, games, and flashlight reading!Fall Festival We had a blast celebrating our Fall Festival a few weeks ago! Complete with costumes, games,...
All About Plants
Blog, OptionalAll About Plants!Grade 1 students have been learning about how different plants have different needs to survive, and going outdoors identifying different plant parts!All About Plants! Grade 1 students have been learning about how...
Cross Country Practice
Blog, OptionalCross Country PracticeCross Country is coming up!Cross country is where students run a race which over natural terrain in the open air! Cross Country Practice Cross Country is coming up! Cross country is where students run a race which...
Spelling Bee!
Blog, OptionalSpelling BeeCongratulations!Congratulations to all students competing at our Spelling Bee this week! You did well and kept cool under pressure!Spelling Bee Congratulations! Congratulations to all students competing at our Spelling Bee...
Healthy bodies lead to healthy minds!
Blog, OptionalHealthy bodies lead to healthy minds!We love PE on Wednesdays - lots of fun, friends and fitness!Healthy bodies lead to healthy minds! We love PE on Wednesdays – lots of fun, friends and fitness!...
Ultimate Frisbee
Blog, OptionalUltimate FrisbeeP.E. is fun!After cross country practice we like to have fun! What a great day for ultimate frisbee!Ultimate Frisbee P.E. is fun! After cross country practice we like to have fun! What a great day for ultimate frisbee!...
Coding during STEM
Blog, OptionalLearning How To CodeProgramming class during STEMDuring STEM this semester Zoe students are learning how to plan and code apps. “An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing.”Learning How To Code Programming class during STEM D...
Every Voice Is Heard
Blog, OptionalEvery Voice Is HeardAt Zoe we value each students voice and love to hear from every student during class!Every Voice Is Heard At Zoe we value each students voice and love to hear from every student during class!...
Swimming time!
Blog, OptionalSwimming time!Rain, hail or shine, students love swimming this term during PESwimming time! Rain, hail or shine, students love swimming this term during PE...
We have Japanese as one of our subject and love keeping up with kanji in class!
Blog, OptionalHow About Japanese?It's great to learn Kanji!We have Japanese as one of our subject and love keeping up with kanji in class!How About Japanese? It’s great to learn Kanji! We have Japanese as one of our subject and love keeping up...
“Involve me and I learn”
Blog, Optional"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin...
Swimming at PE
Blog, OptionalSwimming at PELet's enjoy Summer!Let's stay safe this summer and we hope you get a chance to practise some of your swimming skills from PE!Swimming at PE Let’s enjoy Summer! Let’s stay safe this summer and we hope you get a...
Summer Holidays!
Blog, OptionalSummer HolidaysWe hope everyone is enjoying the summer holidays!Our fall term starts at the end of August and we can't wait to see you soon! We do have limited places available for new students so message us or visit zoeinternationalscho...
Team Work Makes the Dream Work!
Blog, OptionalTeamwork makes the Dream Work!Teamwork makes the Dream Work! This Saturday 7/17 we have an Open House for interested families.Teamwork makes the Dream Work! This Saturday 7/17 we have an Open House for interested families. 10AM [FULL] / ...
Daily Reading
Blog, OptionalDaily ReadingDid you know that reading daily stimulates your imagination and enhances your creative ability?Our lower elementary students love group reading and reading to each other at the end of each day!Daily Reading Did you know that...
Local Zoo Field Trip
Blog, OptionalLocal Zoo Field TripStudents had fun at the local zoo this week as part of their STEM subject on ecologyStudents had fun at the local zoo this week as part of their STEM subject on ecology! Who wishes you could join them on one of their ...
Lunch in the park
Blog, OptionalLunch in the parkSo much fun!Students love being able to have lunch in the park and play (when it's sunny!) Zoe - "the school you wished you went to!"Lunch in the park So much fun! Students love being able to have lunch in the park and...
Endangered Animals
Blog, OptionalEndangered AnimalsStudents had fun learning about endangered animalsStudents had fun learning about endangered animals making models and brochures and are looking forward to visiting the zoo next week! Did you know bottlenose dolphins ha...
String Telephones!
Blog, OptionalString TelephonesDoes sound travel better through a solid or through air? We’ve been having fun making string telephones this week to find out!String Telephones Does sound travel better through a solid or through air? We’ve been having...
New Planners!
Blog, OptionalNew Student Planners!We have new planners! We are learning to be independent and organized! Students are writing down their goals and important things to remember each day. It's just one way we are learning for life!New Student Planners!...
PE on Wednesdays
Blog, OptionalPE on WednesdaysSports are fun!Students love PE on Wednesday afternoons! Team "Cheetahs" were the winners this day. We are developing soccer skills this season and looking forward to swimming and tennis later this year!PE on Wednesdays S...
Child Safety Protection Network
Blog, OptionalChild Safety & Protection NetworkWe are pleased to have become a member of the Child Safety & Protection Network!We are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all students. This connects us to a network to enhance our transpar...
Introducing our head of elementary
Blog, OptionalIntroducing Our Head Of ElementaryIntroducing our head of elementary, Sarah Castle!Sarah will join us at Zoe International School from April and brings a wealth of experience as a specialist in literacy and teaching English as a foreign ...
We are a CAJ (Christian Academy Japan) Affiliate School
Blog, OptionalChristian Academy Japan AffiliateWe are pleased to have become an Affiliate School of CAJ ( Christian Academy in Japan)! This enables our students to have access to a variety of resources and events, and provides support, consultancy and...
Our Uniforms Have Arrived!
Blog, OptionalOur Uniforms Have Arrived!Presenting our new uniforms!We can’t wait to welcome our first students in April! Applications are now open for our Yokohama campus and online campus! Apply NowOur Uniforms Have Arrived! Presenting our new...
Extra Support for Learning English as an Additional Language
Blog, OptionalExtra Support for Learning English as an Additional LanguageAre you looking for extra support for learning English as an additional language?Are you looking for extra support for learning English as an additional language? We’ve got yo...
Are You More Than Your Grades?
Blog, OptionalAre You More Than Your GradesAt Zoe International School, everyone has a chance to shine.You are so much more than your grades! At Zoe International School we know that academic grades are important. But they don’t always tell the whol...
Our STEM Curriculum
Blog, OptionalOur STEM CurriculumStudents of today; leaders of tomorrow.Did you know that after most students graduate, they will likely have a job that doesn’t yet exist, using technology that hasn’t even yet been invented? AI specialists, cloud ...
Does Online Learning Work?
Blog, OptionalDoes Online Education Work?Our online campus for students in grades 3-12 is launching in April!There has been a huge shift to online learning recently. Research suggests that in addition to actually enhancing learning, online students al...
ABCD Daily Schedule
Blog, OptionalABCD Daily SheduleWhat does a typical day look like for our students? We have 4 sessions in each day: A, B, C, and D! A: “All-In” - Warm-up for the day with your classmates and teachers. Some encouragement from the Bible and time to ...
Design Thinking
Blog, OptionalDesign ThinkingDesign Thinking is all about creating solutions to real-life problems. All great innovators use Design Thinking - in the arts, engineering, business, science… in every field! Our unique curriculum is based on Design Thin...
Introducing Genius Hour
Blog, OptionalIntroducing Genius HourGenius Hour is part of our weekly schedule. It’s just one way for our students to become curious, motivated, and creative learners. Choose something you love, research, plan, record your progress, and present you...
Why Choose an International School?
BlogShould we go with an international Education or Japanese education? One question we hear often at Zoe International School is "what are the benefits of an international school?". As the cost is more than a local school, this is an...