Does Online Learning Work?

Does Online Education Work?

Our online campus for students in grades 3-12 is launching in April!

There has been a huge shift to online learning recently. Research suggests that in addition to actually enhancing learning, online students also develop these 👇

Independence ✔️
Self-management skills ✔️
IT skills ✔️
Perseverance ✔️
Strong work ethic ✔️

These are also considered to be some of the most desirable qualities by employers.

Online learning is effective because what has the greatest impact on learning is not the quantity or the medium of instruction, but WHAT is done in that time.

Our online campus for students in grades 3-12 is launching in April! We have an innovative curriculum which is intentionally designed for maximum student engagement in a community of learners who are very connected; despite being remote.

Applications are opening soon! For more information, or to sign up for an upcoming information session, visit our website: