English Not Your 1st Language? No Problem, We've Got You Covered.

Many students come from a background where English is not their first language, or one of several languages spoken at home.
Throughout our ABCD curriculum opportunities are provided for assisted learning  and catchup programs.

As the curriculum is self paced we can see students progress at their own abilities and strengthen in less developed areas over time.
If you have any concerns about language, please let us know during the application process.


EAL After School Program


As an International school in Japan, we acknowledge that many of our students have a rich and diverse linguistic background. In order to assist all students in becoming proficient users of English, we offer an after school programme to support and extend students who are identified as “below grade-level proficiency” in accordance with our English testing prior to admission to the school. After school lessons provide opportunities for students to build on their prior knowledge in a fun and engaging environment, in a class that is appropriate for their level. Initial recommendations for participation in after school English classes will be based on students’ WIDA screener score, and will be regularly re-tested to track student progress.


We predominantly use the WIDA model to assess students’ English language skills. The WIDA model assesses the four domains of language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and gives students, teachers, and parents a holistic view of students’ current language abilities. Students are given a score between 1-6 for each domain, in addition to an overall score for their language proficiency. This score is used to determine students’ language needs and how much (if any) English language support will be required. We also use any internationally recognized English tests such as CEFR, TOEFL, TOEIC, GTEC and eiken to gauge students’ levels. Our English as an Additional Language Support Matrix is used as a guide to determine if students are operating at grade level (green), if extra support is recommended (orange), or if extra support will be required (red).

EAL Support Matrix

While Zoe International School endeavours to provide quality education for every student, there may be cases in which admission to the school is conditional on students’ participation in afterschool additional English language tutoring services (at an extra cost), or the student’s application may not be approved in the case that the school is not able to accommodate their language needs. These decisions will be made at the discretion of the school admissions team, in consultation with parents.


In 2021, each class will have two lessons per week after school starting from April. Classes are 90 minutes in duration, which consists of a 45 minute lesson, and 45 minutes of supervised self-study time in which students can work on their homework, or engage in private reading. All after school lessons will use National Geographic workbooks, which are based on international English standards which are appropriate to the students’ level and age. Students are expected to attend both classes every week except in the case of sickness or unforeseen circumstances.

EAL Course Outline

Tuition for after school English classes is ¥20,000 per month, which is the equivalent of ¥2500 per lesson. Tuition for each is payable at a flat rate during the previous month. National Geographic workbooks cost approximately ¥1500 per book. Students will use approximately 2 workbooks per year.

Who can enrol in after school English lessons?
School aged students from the whole community can enrol in our after school English program. However, priority will be given to Zoe International School students when places are limited. There will be a waiting list for students from the wider community when classes are full, and we will contact families when a place becomes available. While priority is given to Zoe International School students, our classes are also open to the wider community.
Students progress to the next level in one or more of the following cases: Their WIDA score advances to the next level; They successfully complete the textbooks for that level; and/or They take an external internationally recognised English test which is the equivalent of the next WIDA level.
ZIS students can opt out of the after school programme when their WIDA score or internationally recognised English test score places them in the orange or green section of the EAL Support Matrix

English Language Acquisition Global Proficiency Table
