G1 “Love Family Mart”

G1 "Love Family Mart"

G1 students have been working together to create a mini-store that could offer healthy snacks to Zoe students during breaks.
They have come up with the name "G1 Love Family Mart" and some ideas of what healthy products they want to sell.
First, they conducted a small survey for G2-12 - they were confident and excited to do the survey at G2-4 but when it was time to go to G7-12, they got a little shy and nervous.
The survey was successful and they found out that many students like fruit juice, apples, and oranges.
We are practicing counting 2's, 5's, and 10's to determine the total value of the coins, which ties in with our math lessons.
The grand opening of the "Love Family Mart" is this week!
Good luck G1!