Emergency Procedures
Updated September 2024
1. General Guidelines
- Evacuation Routes: Clearly marked and regularly practiced. Routes should lead to open spaces or designated evacuation areas. The default assembly place is Yokohama Park.
- Evacuation Maps: Displayed in all classrooms, hallways, and common areas.
- Emergency Kits: Available in classrooms, containing first aid supplies, water, flashlights, and emergency contact information.
- Regular Drills: Conducted at least twice a year for fire, earthquake, and tsunami.
2. Fire Evacuation Procedure
Upon Hearing the Fire Alarm:
- Stop all activities immediately.
- Teachers: Guide students to the nearest exit calmly and orderly.
- Close Doors: Ensure all doors are closed behind you to prevent the spread of fire.
- Evacuation Routes: Follow the designated route to the assembly area, which is located directly opposite the building. If the said assembly area is not safe, the default meeting place would be Yokohama Park.
- Roll Call: Once at the assembly area, teachers take roll calls to ensure all students are accounted for.
- Report Missing Students: Immediately inform the principal and/or safety officer of any missing students.
- Do Not Re-Enter: Remain outside until the “All Clear” signal is given by the fire department or school administration.
- Contact Parents: If necessary, parents must be contacted to pick-up their child/children via Circle and/or phone call.
3. Earthquake Evacuation Procedure
During the Earthquake:
- Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Students should get under desks or sturdy furniture, covering their heads and holding on until the shaking stops.
- Stay Inside: Do not run outside during the shaking as falling debris can cause injury.
After the Earthquake Stops:
- Assess Injuries: Homeroom teachers check for injuries and provide first aid if necessary.
- Evacuation: If the building is deemed unsafe, evacuate immediately following the evacuation routes.
- Head to Assembly Area: Move to the designated evacuation area (Yokohama Park), avoiding tall structures, trees, or anything that could fall.
- Roll Call: Take roll calls and report any missing or injured students.
- Prepare for Aftershocks: Stay in the assembly area and be alert for aftershocks.
- Contact Parents: If necessary, parents must be contacted to pick-up their child/children via Circle and/or phone call.
4. Tsunami Evacuation Procedure
If a Tsunami Warning is Issued:
- Stay at School: Zoe International School is located on 8F. Students, teachers and other staff are asked to remain in the building and not go outside unless instructed to do so.
- Roll Call: Teachers take roll calls and report any missing students.
- Stay Until All Clear: Stay in school until the authorities give the “All Clear".
- Contact Parents: If necessary, parents must be contacted to inform them of the situation via Circle.
5. Communication and Reporting
- Emergency Contacts: Maintain updated emergency contact information for all students.
- Parental Notification: Notify parents as soon as possible after the students are safe via Circle.
- Liaison with Authorities: The safety officer will coordinate with local emergency services for assistance and updates.
6. Post-Evacuation Procedures
- Counseling Services: Provide support for students and staff affected by the incident.
Review and Improve: Conduct a review of the evacuation process and make necessary improvements.
Contact Details
Police - 110
Kanagawa Police Office - 045-211-1212
School Office Contact Details
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us any time.
Reception - 8:30AM~3:30PM
Phone - 090-9546-1074
Email - hello@zoeinternationalschool.com
Circle - Zoe International School